Only DirectInput provides support for more than 5 buttons on a mouse. DirectInput mode is pull-based while the other two methods are pushed-based. Raw mode distinguishes between multiple keyboards/mice under XP/Vista, but does not support horizontal mouse wheels and won't distinguish between right/left control/shift/alt keys (and doesn't work under w2k and w9x). You must set a keyboard API other than disabled if you want PCSX2/GS hotkeys to work.

Windows messaging is the recommended mode for keyboards and mice, though any mode except disabled should be fine for most people. The modes are: Windows messaging, raw, DirectInput, and disabled. Mice and keyboards both have 4 input modes. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% Ensures a consistent starting directory.The input API sets the Microsoft input API LilyPad uses to read input. SendMode Input Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. #Warn Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. #NoEnv Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. These are the controls I use, you can customize them and edit the script as long as you know what you're doing.Īnd of course, here is the autohotkey script: Then, change the controls in emulator settings to: First, you need to set the controls configutation to "Setup 2", keep the player movement as "Analog Stick". To fully enjoy the game, I made an AHK script to quickly change the controls. There is no way to use the same controls on foot and in a vehicle, because there aren't enough buttons on PSP and controllers.

You can't fully customize controls, you can only change 2 parameters. This is a case in all portable GTA games. This may lead to conflicting controls on foot and in vehicle. I'm assuming you already have the game on a PSP/PS2 emulator, I won't be specifying any sources.Ĭonsole games have a different way of controlling vehicles, you steer with a joystick and use buttons to accelerate or brake. How to play GTA:VCS without a controller on PC.